Monday, April 25, 2011


I'm hoping to borrow money from my parents to go to my doctor and have her check out my knees for osteoarthritis. It was suggested to me and afterward when thinking about it I noticed alot of similarities between what happened with my knees last year and when my mom's arthritis hit when I was in 2nd grade. It may be something else entirely but I would like to be able to treat it whatever it is. I miss being able to do squats without pain like my knees were about to sever, and being able to exercise freely and push myself instead of having to be careful of not irritating the pain in my knees.
I read from Dave Zinecko this week that protein should be 25% of your daily diet, so I'm going to spend the next few day looking at my normal food intake to see how my proteins measure up to the recommended proteins. Thank goodness for calorie counter programs that break it down for you :P
Im going to go shower, and then spend the day helping my bf unpack at the new place.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Nothing exciting or new

to report.... no Change. No firming up, no weight loss. With the RennFaire here, it seem nigh impossible, although I'm not tempted to go get the turkey legs and eat the whole thing. The idea actually makes me a little ill, seems like a lot of food for one sitting. While the chocolate strawberries do sound good, I spend my day wrangling children and rarely get the time to go use the facilities much less walk the food court for scrumptious strawberries or the few other tasty morsels hidden there.
There is lunch with my guild, my father at the helm for cooking, and for my 12 hr days there my lunch should consist mainly of vegetables, but funny, when sharing a platter with a table, others actually eat their veggies too. Who knew so many mothers had wooden spoons and stories about children in Africa?
I'm feeling particularly out of time these days, not being able to do the many things I had been able to a few months ago, and depression is in full swing. I can't afford the 150$ trip to my doctor to get her to prescribe antidepressants again, since that office hasn't done it in years. I'm not looking forward to the day when I need a new inhaler either.
I'm thinking my abuse of antihistamines last summer is coming back to haunt my weight loss efforts, but I'm at a loss as how to fix this, but to continue attempting to stick to my diet [my depression isnt helping] and continue exercising.