Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Wednesday Weigh-in, Getting back on track

Today's Weight: 203.5
Difference: -3.5
Total Difference:  -7.7

There's still crud in my lungs, which means I need to take it easy while exercising. 
Yesterday I started my job that I will have for the next few months.  Last year I held this job for 2 weeks at the end of the season and I enjoyed it alot. However, reflecting back, I can tell I wasn't eating enough during my labor-intensive days. I think this contributed to my first tachycardia/arrhythmia event [and the exlax... let's not go there]. Which led me to making a semi-idiotic food choice for breakfast. I did not want any kind of repeat so I got  a chili burrito. It was sinfully delicious, but I knew I should've picked something else. I will look at the menu online to find something a little more healthy.
I'm also excited because yesterday my email notification came saying my Jillian Kickboxing DVD is on it's way. Since the MIL's first month is going to be a a week longer than it should be, I have time to do the kick boxing on it's own. I find it funny how I'm now trying to figure out how to do all the programs I'd been planning on, now that I have the 3-month Body Revolution program to go through.  I will be doing the kettle bell month after my BR is done, or maybe I can  figure something new.  I have tons of options so I can always do something. I'm liking being on programs right now, gives me something to look forward to. For some reason in my mind August is the cut off point. I'll be exercising then too, I plan on it for the rest of the year, well, life really but I'm thinking small-term right now. Maybe it's because I have a fitting in August.

Ok, enough rambling...

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