Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Wednesday Weigh-in

 Today's Weight: 10.3
Difference: +0.8
Total Difference:  -0.9

The last two days haven't been good. There was a loud thud as I scooched my ass of the wagon and just sat in the dirt instead of standing back up. I'm not sure whats going on. Been somewhat down, think it may just be a depressive cycle. I have been looking forward to working out, and had a mini-meltdown when being trapped on the phone for 2.5 hours made it impossible to go to the gym like I had planned. I ended up going after my evening out shopping with my parents, and to find out it was 'bring yuor family and friends for free today' so it was packed, and I've never worked out in such a large setting before.
I also know I'm feeling a little blue that at 8 weeks I'm not seeing any progress. I'm trying to ignore it but damn, do I wish I could see more results for all my effort.
my Mom insists you can see a difference in me, but never answered directly when I asked what difference there was.
I have no intention of giving up. I have this determination to keep going. As the posters say, a year from now I'll wish I had started today. So I've started my year.

Picture time:

I now look like the before picture again, at a slightly higher weight.  I look forward to being the after pictures again.  [and of course, beyond]

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