Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Well it's the end of the month and I haven't lost any weight.
I got a gym membership for Christmas so that I'm hoping will bring about some changes.
The past week has been hit or miss for exercising because of cleaning and general family and friend holiday things to do.
My diet hasn't been strict because I haven't turned down the See's truffles my parents bought me, since it was a small box, but just before Christmas I started retaining water and I've been angry ever since. It seems to be even harder this time around.

But 2011 is a new year and hopefully between a better balance of vitamins and a diet more conscious of the fact that I may have hypothyroid I can maybe make a better headway in loosing weight.
Maybe sometime this week or weekend I can try the Jillian Michael's Ultimate...whatever for 2010 and 2011 for the wii.

However right now I'm all around depressed I couldn't loose any weight before the end of the year

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